Psychic Healers

Intuitive/Psychic Healers

Step into a world where spiritual healing can help you lead a contented life. Connect with Hands of Peace & join the community of people who found peace with our influential healing techniques.

Hands of Peace offers many intuitive healing modalities such as Reiki, Angel Energy Healing, Akashic Records reading and healing, Body Intuitive, channeling to connect with your spirit guides, angels and your own angel energy healing team. With this, we facilitate holistic wellness with techniques of energy channeling & chakra balancing, including intuitive guidance. These highly intuitive techniques afford life-changing experiences, promoting your all-around well-being and inner peace.

Verified Experts for Energy Healing

How can I find the best psychic healers near me? Have a relaxing wellness journey with us.

Our team of competent healers uses modern and old world energy-healing techniques to treat physical ailments and emotional imbalances.

We are the forefront of intuitive, spiritual, energy healers, offering customized healing sessions for your specific needs.

Our Comprehensive Intuitive Healing Services

We at Hands of Peace offer a wide range of psychic healing practices, including: Reiki, Certified Angel Energy Healing, Akashic Records Healing and readings, Body Intuitive, and more.

Reiki Healing

Our healers use the powerful reiki technique to remove energy blockages & sustain the energy flow within the body.

Intuitive Healing with Guidance

We are well-known psychic healers offering intuitive guidance on several personal life issues. Reach our healing advisors for guidance on relationships, career & personal development.

Chakra Balancing

Chakra imbalances can result in significant physical and emotional disorders, from endocrine and immune system to depression, anxiety, trauma triggers, and controlling or submissive behaviours. Effective balancing, clearing, and activation of all aspects of the minor and major chakras is key to establishing and restoring the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself and bring the body to a state of optimal homeostasis. 

Why Choose Us for Intuitive/Psychic Healing?

Experience with Specialization

We are highly attuned to messages from the body and spirit, guiding the course of the healing sessions with vision and divine healing light. This multi faceted connection between body and spirit provides a more accurate analysis and therefor, quicker results. 

energetic healing

Negative Energy Cleansing

How can I connect with the intuitive/psychic healers near me to eliminate negative energies? You have been divinely guided to Hands of Peace! We can help you to release stuck, negative, and fear based energies, so you can live your best and most peaceful life.

Experienced psychic healers are skilled in promoting harmony with positive energies.

Ethical Practices & Comfortable Environment

An ethical working approach in a comfortable setting will grant you an advanced state of healing and welcomed results.

Continuous Support

What Should I consider when looking for psychic healers near me? Visit the healers offering sustained support to empower your journey to a better self.
Connect with Hands of Peace for an authentic connection to your higher self. Our skilled practitioners offer continuous support for a pleasant intuitive healing experience. Schedule your session today.

Start Your Journey With Us!

Embrace the benefits of energy healing, letting go of the past, healing trauma, addiction, emotional imbalances, depression. A non invasive, non chemical, healing option that is safe for kids, teens, and adults.